The Sanskrit you didn't know
This article was written by me, Safih Choat- ©2017 BEADS 4 MEDITATION, and part of this store. Copying of excerpts or full reproduction will only be permitted if both references and my authorship are cited. 

The Sanskrit you didn't know



Sound is the raw material of the Universe. There is sound in nature, in our communication, that is, our universe is made of sound. Sound is a vehicle within this interrelationship, as a form of expression, knowledge and manifestation of the most diverse senses.

They cross the body, penetrate the organs, and make everything resonate when they exist. 

A vibration is likely to give rise to another vibration in different elements. When a musical note is played on a piano, even if only one string is struck, other strings still vibrate as well. Expanding a little further, Life is permeated by vibrations. 

This is what is called resonance, observed by the physical laws, which govern this manifestation, about which there are sufficient studies in science. 

In the physical state, sound has the ability to reorganize molecular structure. This is a scientific fact. Music affects the limbic system, the part of the brain that governs emotions. 

Taking our vibrating body, our energy and making the analogy to an instrument, when a note is played, it is not only other strings that vibrate, other objects can also vibrate.

In addition to the nearby strings, objects around it such as crystals, glass, an entire atmosphere also resonates.

Just as it is possible to cause an object to enter its vibration through resonance, it is possible to reestablish the body's harmonic vibratory frequencies through sounds and melodies, as sound waves communicate their energies in the internal regions of the body. body and these have the same frequency derived from vibration, initiating vibratory movement. Ancient wisdom taught that rhythm, melody, and harmony can bring about changes in the organism.

 In this sense, sound can expand consciousness to a subtle level of vibration, modifying the rhythms of brain waves, whose sound radiation penetrates the electrical pulsations of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, modifying their vibratory patterns and consequently invigorating through the sounds of the body's energetic flow, since the body's physiological principles are interconnected to the energetic dimension that vibrates through the muscles, breathing, heart, which are interconnected to the energetic flow of the vital current.

(text written in 2009 for the Veterinários no Divã website - by Safih Choat - Sound, Mantras, and Sanskrit) 

Sound is energy, and energy is in all things, we live in an invisible web of energy that connects all existence. 

Every organ, bone, and tissue in your body has its resonance frequency, which together form a composite frequency, a harmonic that is your vibratory frequency.

 Among the sounds that can most benefit our energy are Mantras, vibratory words whose pronounced language is Sanskrit. 

Sanskrit is the language of ancient India and of Vedic philosophy and its civilization. It is a perfect language, which also invokes the spiritual vibration of which it speaks.

 According to Sri Aurobindo, Sanskrit is “the most magnificent, perfect and wonderfully sufficient literary instrument that the human mind has ever developed… at once majestic and sweet and supple, strong and formed and full and vibrant and subtle, of all languages, it is the only one capable of invoking the spiritual energy of the speaker, as well as the vibration to raise consciousness to the higher realms we describe. 

Its grammar is far superior to the kind of grammar with which most grammarians in Europe have contented themselves, the most flexible literary work the world has ever seen, and no other country can produce any grammatical system in any complicated way, whether for originality, whether through schematization or subtlety of analysis… His shastras are a perfect miracle of condensation”

Research shows that the phonetics of this language have roots in various energy points of the body and reading, speaking or reciting Sanskrit stimulates these points and increases energy levels, thereby resistance against illness, mental relaxation and reduced energy. Stress is exercise, given that it is the only language, which uses all the nerves of the tongue. 

By its pronunciation, the energy points in the body are activated, which makes blood circulation better. This, along with better brain function and higher energy levels, ensures better health. Blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, etc. (Ref: American Hindu University after constant study.

Experiments carried out with students in Europe proved that they began to obtain better grades in other subjects such as Mathematics, Science, etc., as their study and practice increased the power of memory. 

James Junior School in London, after related research, made Sanskrit compulsory, and its students are among the best year after year. This was also followed by some schools in Ireland.

 Thus, today we have more than seventeen countries across the world with a university or two to study Sanskrit to gain technological advantages.

 L. Basham, former professor of Asian Civilization at the Australian National University, Canberra, writes in his book The Wonder That Was India (page 390): “One of the greatest achievements of ancient India is its remarkable alphabet, which begins with the vowels and , then presents the consonants, all definitions very scientifically according to their mode of pronunciation, in great contrast to the accidental and inadequate Roman alphabet, which was developed organically over three millennia. It was only with the discovery of Sanskrit by the West that a phonetic science was born in Europe.” 

He further says that “The Sanskrit language, regardless of its antiquity, is of a magnificent structure – more perfect than Greek, more verbose than Latin and more refined than both. At the same time, it has too many layers with both Greek and Latin in both verbal roots and grammatical forms to be something possibly produced by accident.

 According to the United Nations, around 97% of the world's languages ​​were directly or indirectly influenced by this language. Using the Sanskrit language, you can learn any language in the world much more easily. 

It is very interesting to know that its elaboration principles are equivalent to the same logic used for computer programming. 

Given its unique characteristics, which range from a logical composition in its elaboration (its grammatical algorithms and structure are the most efficient and best for the computer, they were made in Sanskrit and not in English) to the proof that its pronunciation is proven to help in therapy and speech problems, the US, Germany and France are working on several projects to design computer programs that can drive Sanskrit-based devices, just as NASA also has a department to research Sanskrit manuscripts. 

There is a report from a NASA scientist that America is creating 6th and 7th generation supercomputers based on the Sanskrit language. The project deadline is 2025 for the 6th generation and 2034 for the 7th generation computer. After this there will be a revolution all over the world to learn Sanskrit.

In almost every language like Greek, French, English, Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Mayan, Slavic, Russian and the Sanskrit derivatives like Hindi, Tamil, Telegu, or Malayalam we find Sanskrit words everywhere. 

The roots of many languages ​​are found in Sanskrit, such as Greek, French, English, Arabic, Urdu, Persian, Mayan, Slavic, Russian, and Sanskrit derivatives such as Hindi, Tamil, Telegu or Malayalam,

Thus it is the mother of all languages ​​and the status of a sacred language. The fact is that the further back we try to trace the origin of European languages, the more they resemble Sanskrit. The further we go back in time, the more we see that Europe and Vedic culture mixed.

 Below are some words in other languages ​​that descend from the Sanskrit language:


           Sanskrit          German         Greek              Latin              English

            Matri           Murmurar       Mateera           Mater           mother

            Sunus              Sohn               Yas               Natus               son

            Ashta               acht                okta              Octo                eight


We can then realize that it is no surprise that the calendar with the best calculation (where the new year begins with the geological change of the solar system) is the Hindu one, and so many other contributions such as mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, metaphysics, aesthetic medicine, and so many other contributions have their origin in India, the motherland of Sanskrit, as more than a language, it is capable of training the brain and at the same time the heart, it manages to unite mathematics with music, science and religion, where everything becomes ONE, being the primordial channel between human thought and the soul; Physics and Metaphysics; Culture and Art; Created and the Creator, directly responsible for illuminating creative expression in a way the world has never seen before.

 Thus, it is believed that Sanskrit was given to humanity by the Deity. It could not have been developed by the slow process of human agency. After all, in the period in which Sanskrit appeared, humanity was considered by some to be barbaric quantities. However, how could such a people, if that was what they were, develop such a refined language? For such a language to emerge, it would need to come from an equally refined and advanced civilization. Otherwise, why, after thousands of years of our advanced and scientific civilization, have we not seen a better or more sophisticated language?