MY STORY, tips & Books

This is an article written by me + useful links to follow

(at the top, one of my creations)

Our being is not just a biological body.  Our mental activity (thoughts, afraid, beliefs) modulates the beat of our heart which generates energy around us, which defines the production of the hormones (in a healthy way or unhealthy), feeding our cells, (or poisoning them) balancing our frequency, and then we attract all experiences in our daily during all our life, the diseases, according to the psychosomatic understanding or quantum physics.

What I am saying this is not magic, occultism, or myth. All this was proven through studies, experiments, and science.

We are made by energy, energy doesn't die. 

When you decide to open the door inside of you and give yourself a chance to understand the complex system that we are, starting to look for good practices to achieve greater awareness, meditation is a good option.

Yes, majority just wants to nose it, check and practice for a while, then keep searching, cause what they unconsciously want is to have always something to make them move. But few others want to understand themselves deeply.

Sometimes life presents challenges that prompt us to think about who we are. Aspects of energy, and the soul, are not taught in school...

I know well...We don't even know why we had to memorize the periodic table, isn't it?!

Well, it could help us with cooking, amazingly mixing the right ingredients, or solving some mistakes we'd made by accident while cooking. Also, it can heal our pain with specific herbs, knowing the opposite chemistry to treat some gastric injury, etc.  Using stones can contribute as they have the same chemistry as our body and give them their color (zinc, copper, etc.), resulting in an energetic connection when we use them. But all these matters are usually taught separately, without any connection.

This is regrettable. I'm doing my part here to shift this
There is just one school that respects all this, preparing the kids for the 4 instances that we are, without including any dogma. Rudolf Steiner School/Waldorf. (Sorry to be extensive, but as my goal here is to help you open your mind for real, so I can't help to start to show you that all is connected and should have been taught since school, to prepare ourselves better to deal better with the challenges).

The more the challenge, the more you need to open your mind. This is the purpose of the challenges.

As we are talking about not connecting matters since the school, which all should be, I am showing you a little bit.

Since the beginning, I always wanted to understand what is life. This is another complex matter. So then I degree in psychology to understand health and diseases, under the psychosomatic view, to deal with this portion of ourselves that defines and feeds us daily, emotions. 

Then I understood the complexity of how our minds start to be molded from childhood, the most common mistakes made by parents even with good intentions, what are the causes of this in that human being in the future, how to improve this connection, preparing them to become a better human on all sides, when they will fly without us.

I studied a lot, and not entering in details, I am getting my harvest with my seeds, or sons, let's say this way.

But then, after all these awakening steps, and practicing as a therapist, I started to forecast things!! Lots. You can read about this in my book entirely online ( Naked Truth by Safih Choat )

This crashed my brain! How to explain it as for me at that time, everything was triggered by emotions, and now, I couldn't explain it under the medical or psychological view.

So as I was saying, as life promotes challenges to awaken us, to reach one step more of enlightenment, from psychology I started to study quantum physics, physics, chemistry, sounds, and frequencies,  to accept our natural capacity to do it under quantum physics.

I did my prayer bead and started practice, and loads of unusual things related to energy started to happen again, which amazed me till it became one of my professions, as a designer, having my brand here since 2009, also found a better way to offer the right support to each customer in what they need. creating also all texts I did by my own here, to help you to achieve your enlightening in whatever would be in my hands or life experience.

So now, I will share some articles I made which for sure will support your journey, and also some books I read that would be very useful.

All books (links) available here I got through Scribd, but you can buy them on Google Play or Amazon too.


My articles (click and read)

How to use your Prayer bead

Jyotish - Vedic Astrology - What is it?

The Sanskrit you didn't know

Our items are nickel-free

Books (click and read)

The Self-Aware Universe – How Conscious Creates the Material World 

Amit, Goswami - La Fisica Del Alma

The Biology of Belief – Dr. Bruce Lipton

You Are The Placebo – Dr. Joe Dispenza

The Web of Life – Fritjof Capra

El TAO de la Fisica - Fritjof Capra

Many Lives, Many Masters

Autobiography of A Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda

El Yoga de Jesús - Paramahansa Yogananda

The Healing Power of Illness: The Meaning of Symptoms and How to Interpret Them - Thorwald Dethlefsen (author), Rudiger Dahlke (author), Dahlke Rudiger (author)

Disease as a Symbol: Psychosomatics - the messages behind your symptoms - Rüdiger Dahlke

The physics of TAO - Fritjof Capra

This article was written by me, Safih Choat - ©BEADS 4 MEDITATION, and it's part of this store. Copying of texts or total reproduction will only be permitted if both references and my authorship are mentioned. In case of omission, they will be subject to fair compensation, given the Law 9,610/98

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